How fitness can help you get whatever yo

How fitness can help you get whatever you want. Live workshop + Pure Barre class. Sign up now!

2 of the Best Health and Wellness Tips for Gen Y


As of late I have really been into yoga. So into it, in fact, that I have done some form of yoga for nearly 60 days. The patience and mindfulness I experience during yoga has also begun to translate into other aspects of my daily life – from what I eat to how I handle stress at my job. Below you’ll find some health and wellness tips for Gen Y.

Find a Form of Exercise You Actually Enjoy

I tried everything last year – from Zumba to hiring a personal trainer – and I hated just about all of it. In fact, the only thing I kept going back to was yoga. By the time 2012 came around I decided I would focus purely on yoga and reap the benefits.

The moral of the story? Find a form of exercise you actually enjoy. You’re not going to be motivated or committed if you absolutely hate it. The key is to find something that you find fun and enjoyable.

Use Public Transit

I’m a big proponent of this – and it’s also very green! Using public transit is a great way to stay fit, save money and help the environment. Think about it, instead of sitting in a car you are walking more. Instead of spending money on car payments, gas, and insurance you only have to worry about bus fare. It’s quite simple really.

Cultivating healthy habits doesn’t have to be so difficult for Gen Y – we have a natural inclination towards things like helping the earth, so why not help ourselves as well? Has Moved

My New Year’s resolutions include a)be more productive and b) start living a more minimalist lifestyle. As a result, I am going to move Ecobellus to my personal development blog for young adults. You will now be able to find all of my articles and posts under the Green category of Grad Meets World. This makes it much easier to maintain, holds me accountable, and hopefully reaches more people.

Hope to see you there! Happy New Year!


Click here for new location.

2011: A New Year of Green Resolutions

This is an adaptation of an article that I wrote for

In the year 2011 make the resolution to be more green. If you’re anything like me then you have probably made this resolution before, maybe even several times. And each time, you end up failing miserably. The routine goes something like this: You start the year off great by cutting back on energy costs, saving water, recycling, you know all that good stuff. Then you start to forget simple things like turning off the light in the bathroom or that plastic water bottles spend an eternity in landfills. Somewhere along the line you lose sight of what you were doing and green living becomes a distant far off memory with the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Chances are when you make the resolution to live green you try and do it all at once. When you think about it, it’s kind of overwhelming for those of us who never put much thought into it. I propose a solution for those of you who, like myself, are eco-friendly inept. Start small. And I mean really small, like educating yourself before you try to completely change your life.

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the environmentally acceptable is through blogs. Green living is a hot topic and many people out there are taking the message to the world wide web. One of my favorite blogs is Environmental Graffiti. They have all you need to know from green living tips to cool facts. For example, did you know that penicillin can be made from alligator blood? Have you checked out those beautiful buildings made of bamboo? Trust me, this site will blow your mind with eco-friendly goodness.

Another personal favorite site, and one that all us crafters will eat up, is Eco-Artware. Here you will find incredible gifts that are made from reusable and recyclable material. I’m talking anything from furniture to kitchenware and everything in between. They also have a great newsletter! This would be the ideal starting point for us crafters because we are passionate about making things. We’re already aficionados of turning trash into treasure so why not kick it up a notch? Green living through our craft is the perfect way to start changing our wasteful lifestyles and spread the message.

So let’s start the new year off right. Let’s slowly change our lives so we don’t become overwhelmed and forget the point of green living. Eventually you won’t be needing to make a green resolution again!

Need Instant Relief from a Cold? Try Some Ginger and Lemon

Image via Chiot’s Run

I have been a miserable creature the last few days thanks to a nasty cold.  Personally, I am not one for taking medication because the chemicals irk me and sometimes have an adverse affect on my stomach. I’m also not a modern medicine hater or a holistic enthusiast, but I do try and solve problems naturally when I can.

Anyway, I have been absolutely miserable for days with an awful soar throat (mind you not the best symptom to have when you are a language instructor). Over the counter medications like Advil and Tylenol were not working and I was starting to get concerned about the amount I would have to take just to get some relief.

My mother has a friend who is very much into holistic medicine so I asked her for some help. She suggested that I grate some ginger root and mix it with fresh squeezed lemon juice. I was then to drink a couple of spoon fulls of the liquid that forms several times throughout the day.

Apparently ginger contains about a dozen anti-viral compounds, relieves pain, is an antiseptic, and is an antioxidant. And since lemon is a citrus fruit it has a lot of Vitamin C which helps the body fight infections.

I am happy to announce that IT WORKED! Granted I am not fully cured, but I do feel much better than I have in days. I was even able to teach without adding any strain to my voice.

So the next time you feel under the weather, try some ginger!

Top Books for Crafters

Image via Margarida Sardo

Crafting is a big part of going green. The ability to make something new out of something old is something that has resonated with the crafting community for decades. Likewise, with online markets like Etsy, many crafters are spreading the message of green, sustainability, creativity, while fighting the battle of consumerism.

Below you will find a list of some of the best book for crafters that are currently out there.

Top Books for Crafters 2010

Ecobellus Announcement!!!

You can now get instant email updates whenever there is a new post on Ecobellus! You will also receive a bi-monthly newsletter with guides, events, and green living tips! What are you waiting for? Subscribe today!

Merry Christmas From Ecobellus: DIY Green Christmas Centerpiece

Need a quick centerpiece that only takes a few minutes to make? How about a centerpiece that is eco-friendly? Well, check out what my family made as a last minute Christmas decoration!


This centerpiece was made from the branches that were cut off when we purchased our Christmas tree, empty wine bottles, artificial cranberries that we have had for years, and recycled candles. The simple centerpiece took about 5 minutes to make and really made an elegant statement! And best of all, it looks absolutely beautiful when the candles are lit at night.


Merry Christmas from Ecobellus!

Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide Wrap Up

Image via wallyg

With Christmas only a couple of days away, I figured it was the perfect time to wrap up the Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide. I hope you found these articles and resources helpful in your holiday endeavors 🙂

The All-Inclusive Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide

Green is more than just a festive color…

Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank – Show your friends, family, and Mother Nature how much you care with these great Christmas gifts at affordable prices.

Where to Find Green Toys for Kids and Babies – Toys are a big part of Christmas. Teach your kids the importance of green issues and protect them from hazardous materials with these green toys.

How to Make Sure Your Christmas Tree is Green – Can’t figure out the greener option? Use this guide to help you choose the greenest Christmas tree for you and your family.

Green Christmas Crafts – Decorate your home or make gifts with these fun eco-friendly crafts.

Where to Find Green Christmas Cards – Save a wallop of trees with these great green greeting!

DIY: Natural Holiday Wreaths – Spice up your traditional Christmas decor with these eco-friendly wreaths.

Green Christmas Guide #6: DIY Natural Holiday Wreaths

Holiday décor is not complete without a wreath. Instead of going out and buying a wreath, check out some of these natural wreaths that you can make on your own.

Feijoa Christmas Wreath

Feijoa’s are the perfect flowers to make a wreath because they add a little red, green, and silver to the décor. Best of all feijoa wreaths add a little to joy to otherwise dreary weather. For more on Feijoa Christmas wreaths visit Rummage.

Orange Pine Cone Wreath

Add a little zest to your holiday décor while still creating an elegant element. Collect pine ones from your yard, dry some orange slices in the oven, add them to a garland wreath and voila! In less time than it takes to buy a wreath, you have made your own unique and natural holiday decor. For more information visit Delia Creates.

Read More…


Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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Grad Meets World

Amanda Writes


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