Green Christmas Guide #1: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank

Image via Vali…

My favorite time of year is finally here! Consequently, lately I find myself writing a lot of green Christmas related articles. I present to you all the first installment of Ecobellus Green Christmas Guides: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank. Keep checking back in the coming weeks for more Ecobellus Green Christmas Guides!

Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide #1: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank

The Holiday Season is upon us! That means cold weather, celebrations, great people, awesome food, and presents! One way to make this wonderful season even better is by spreading a little green living cheer with your gifts. Now, I know what you are thinking, “Those eco-friendly gifts are way too expensive and I’m already going to have to pay off a ton of debt when this is all over!” It’s true that some green gifts cost a pretty penny, but rest assured that you can find unique and earth friendly gifts for reasonable prices.

Gifts from
Viva Terra, which translates to “Living Earth”, is a company dedicated to living in harmony with nature. They are committed to providing unique designs with the eco conscious consumer in mind and many of their items come at a great price. For less than $30 dollars you can find beautifully crafted bowls, scarves, mugs, kitchen accessories, home décor, and even chocolate, all made with the earth in mind.

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1 Response to “Green Christmas Guide #1: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank”

  1. 1 Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide Wrap Up « Ecobellus Trackback on December 23, 2010 at 5:32 pm

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Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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