Need Instant Relief from a Cold? Try Some Ginger and Lemon

Image via Chiot’s Run

I have been a miserable creature the last few days thanks to a nasty cold.  Personally, I am not one for taking medication because the chemicals irk me and sometimes have an adverse affect on my stomach. I’m also not a modern medicine hater or a holistic enthusiast, but I do try and solve problems naturally when I can.

Anyway, I have been absolutely miserable for days with an awful soar throat (mind you not the best symptom to have when you are a language instructor). Over the counter medications like Advil and Tylenol were not working and I was starting to get concerned about the amount I would have to take just to get some relief.

My mother has a friend who is very much into holistic medicine so I asked her for some help. She suggested that I grate some ginger root and mix it with fresh squeezed lemon juice. I was then to drink a couple of spoon fulls of the liquid that forms several times throughout the day.

Apparently ginger contains about a dozen anti-viral compounds, relieves pain, is an antiseptic, and is an antioxidant. And since lemon is a citrus fruit it has a lot of Vitamin C which helps the body fight infections.

I am happy to announce that IT WORKED! Granted I am not fully cured, but I do feel much better than I have in days. I was even able to teach without adding any strain to my voice.

So the next time you feel under the weather, try some ginger!

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