Who is Amanda Abella?

I am a freelance writer, part time language instructor, part time yogi, and full time dreamer.

What is the Ecobellus vision?

Have you ever been annoyed by how much “green” products can cost? How do you even know they are really green anyway? The Ecobellus philosophy is simple: green living doesn’t have to be complicated…or expensive. Ecobellus hopes to feature tips, tricks, resources, products, and websites that will help you go green without breaking the bank.

How did Ecobellus get started?

Ecobellus means “eco” + “beauty” and was originally intended solely for green living resources. It was launched in August 2010 as a place for me to put all of my green living articles in one place.

So you’re a writer, huh?

Yes I am. I suppose my love affair with the written word began when I was copy editor for my high school newspaper, Coral Gables Senior High’s Highlights. The love followed me throughout college and I received by BA in English Literature from Ave Maria University in May 2010.

Naturally I was so busy trying to get through school in one piece that I forgot to make plans for that little thing called life. About a month after graduating I strapped on a backpack and traveled around Ireland, Italy, and Spain in an attempt to learn a few things and figure out what the hell I was going to do when I got back. I spent a month working in Spanish country side, falling in love with the city of Dublin, and gallivanting through Roman streets. The experience was an eye opener and made me realize I had a lot to offer and even more to learn.

When I came back to the States I was quickly disappointed by the sluggish economy and daunting unemployment. As a result I decided to take matters into my own hands. I am now a Featured Green, Featured Crafts, and Featured Home Improvement contributor for Associated Content, have been featured on Yahoo News, and write for Demand Media. In addition I am a Coral Gables Green Living Examiner, a GreenWise columnist for Handmade News, and a contributor for Environmental Graffiti. Of course, I don’t plan on stopping there and hope to make writing my full time gig someday.

So what else have you done besides writing?

I have worked for a financial advisor, canvassed for a Florida environmental campaign, and have given tours to hundreds of visitors at Ave Maria University. I also just recently completed language instructor training so that I may teach others English or Spanish as a second language.

Anything else?

I hope you find Ecobellus to be useful in your lives. If you would like to contact me with questions or ideas please email me at abella.amanda@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you!

And don’t forget to follow Ecobellus on your favorite social media sites!

2 Responses to “FAQ”

  1. 1 Timothy Laurent September 3, 2010 at 6:16 am

    Hello Amanda,

    Thanks for the tweet. I’d love to discuss some other ideas with you. Feel free to email me.


  1. 1 Green Living for Everyone! | Collect. Connect. Recycle. Trackback on September 12, 2010 at 7:45 pm

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Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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Grad Meets World

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Ecobellus by Amanda Abella is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.ecobellus.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.ecobellus.com.