Archive for the 'Beauty' Category

Green the Beauty Routine

Since I do a lot of freelance writing I get to learn new things all the time. Want to know how to donate your body to science? I got you covered. Want to learn to make a snowman out of a tube sock? Yeah, I can help you there too. Want to start doing yoga but don’t know how? I didn’t either until I wrote this.

The articles where I learn the most are always those pertaining to green living. These articles also give me great ideas for trying new things. For example, this week I wrote an article about the dangers of cosmetics and how to green your beauty routine. I realized that I had practically no idea what I was putting on my face and got a little concerned.

Fortunately, I had a room mate back in college who was from Oregon and completely obsessed with living naturally. She  was a big fan of using Bare Escentuals makeup and was kind of enough to let me use some of it.  It’s nice to know that Bare Escentuals is void of harmful toxins like Parabens, Sulfates, or synthetic fragarances while still giving you the make up coverage you want.

I always loved that make up but thought it was too expensive for my 18 year old just starting college budget. I never actually wanted to spring for the cost until recently when I realized that I was putting all these crazy chemicals on my face on a daily basis. And so, thanks to my small obsession with Sephora and their sweet deals I have basically purchased everything I need without breaking the bank. I’ve been using Bare Escentuals eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, and all over coverage for about a week now and can honestly say that I am never going back to conventional make up. You can actually see and feel the difference on your face, and best of all all their make up is GORGEOUS. Oh, and did I mention that the very reasonably priced starter kits come with instructional DVDs? I think I’m in love.

Want to green your beauty routine? Check out some of these great websites:


The Healthy Beauty Project

Bare Escentuals

Saffron Rouge Blog

Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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