Archive for the 'Crafting' Category

Top Books for Crafters

Image via Margarida Sardo

Crafting is a big part of going green. The ability to make something new out of something old is something that has resonated with the crafting community for decades. Likewise, with online markets like Etsy, many crafters are spreading the message of green, sustainability, creativity, while fighting the battle of consumerism.

Below you will find a list of some of the best book for crafters that are currently out there.

Top Books for Crafters 2010

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Green Christmas Guide #4: Green Christmas Crafts

Image via

Once the holiday season is over you are left with mountains upon mountains of leftover goodies. Ever wondered what to do with all that wrapping paper? What about Christmas cards? Worry not, eco-conscious crafters! Turns out that there a lot of things you can make with your holiday leftovers.

Don’t Throw Away That Wrapping Paper – Did you know you can make beautiful ornaments for next years festivities with leftover wrapping paper? Just find some scraps of your favorite wrapping paper and read this how-to guide from Handmade News.

Disney’s Family Fun: Have a Happy Green Christmas – Learn how to make anything from bubble wrap Christmas countdown calendars to greeting card gift tags with this great green guide from Disney’s Family Fun.

Good Housekeeping: Green Christmas Decorations – Spruce up your house and spread some holiday cheer with these simple green decoration ideas. From poinsettias to recycled candle holders, give Mother Earth a gift this year by showing that you care.

6 Eco-Friendly Crafts for the Home

Image via Urban Woodswalker

Making your own decorations is one of the best parts about owning a home. Additionally, reusing old items and creating a masterpiece is a cost effective and eco-friendly way to give your home that unique look that you want. You can get together with some neighbors or your kids and let the creative juices flow, or you can take these projects on for a relaxing afternoon.

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DIY: Recycled Paper Envelopes

Image via Sarabbit

If people can make their own greeting cards, why not make your own envelopes too? You can make beautiful envelopes out of pieces of paper that would have been put in the recycling bin otherwise. With a template, some creativity, and a little elbow grease you can send your clients, friends, or family beautiful home made envelopes.

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