Archive for the 'Green Living' Category

2011: A New Year of Green Resolutions

This is an adaptation of an article that I wrote for

In the year 2011 make the resolution to be more green. If you’re anything like me then you have probably made this resolution before, maybe even several times. And each time, you end up failing miserably. The routine goes something like this: You start the year off great by cutting back on energy costs, saving water, recycling, you know all that good stuff. Then you start to forget simple things like turning off the light in the bathroom or that plastic water bottles spend an eternity in landfills. Somewhere along the line you lose sight of what you were doing and green living becomes a distant far off memory with the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Chances are when you make the resolution to live green you try and do it all at once. When you think about it, it’s kind of overwhelming for those of us who never put much thought into it. I propose a solution for those of you who, like myself, are eco-friendly inept. Start small. And I mean really small, like educating yourself before you try to completely change your life.

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in the environmentally acceptable is through blogs. Green living is a hot topic and many people out there are taking the message to the world wide web. One of my favorite blogs is Environmental Graffiti. They have all you need to know from green living tips to cool facts. For example, did you know that penicillin can be made from alligator blood? Have you checked out those beautiful buildings made of bamboo? Trust me, this site will blow your mind with eco-friendly goodness.

Another personal favorite site, and one that all us crafters will eat up, is Eco-Artware. Here you will find incredible gifts that are made from reusable and recyclable material. I’m talking anything from furniture to kitchenware and everything in between. They also have a great newsletter! This would be the ideal starting point for us crafters because we are passionate about making things. We’re already aficionados of turning trash into treasure so why not kick it up a notch? Green living through our craft is the perfect way to start changing our wasteful lifestyles and spread the message.

So let’s start the new year off right. Let’s slowly change our lives so we don’t become overwhelmed and forget the point of green living. Eventually you won’t be needing to make a green resolution again!

Merry Christmas From Ecobellus: DIY Green Christmas Centerpiece

Need a quick centerpiece that only takes a few minutes to make? How about a centerpiece that is eco-friendly? Well, check out what my family made as a last minute Christmas decoration!


This centerpiece was made from the branches that were cut off when we purchased our Christmas tree, empty wine bottles, artificial cranberries that we have had for years, and recycled candles. The simple centerpiece took about 5 minutes to make and really made an elegant statement! And best of all, it looks absolutely beautiful when the candles are lit at night.


Merry Christmas from Ecobellus!

Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide Wrap Up

Image via wallyg

With Christmas only a couple of days away, I figured it was the perfect time to wrap up the Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide. I hope you found these articles and resources helpful in your holiday endeavors 🙂

The All-Inclusive Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide

Green is more than just a festive color…

Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank – Show your friends, family, and Mother Nature how much you care with these great Christmas gifts at affordable prices.

Where to Find Green Toys for Kids and Babies – Toys are a big part of Christmas. Teach your kids the importance of green issues and protect them from hazardous materials with these green toys.

How to Make Sure Your Christmas Tree is Green – Can’t figure out the greener option? Use this guide to help you choose the greenest Christmas tree for you and your family.

Green Christmas Crafts – Decorate your home or make gifts with these fun eco-friendly crafts.

Where to Find Green Christmas Cards – Save a wallop of trees with these great green greeting!

DIY: Natural Holiday Wreaths – Spice up your traditional Christmas decor with these eco-friendly wreaths.

Green Christmas Guide #6: DIY Natural Holiday Wreaths

Holiday décor is not complete without a wreath. Instead of going out and buying a wreath, check out some of these natural wreaths that you can make on your own.

Feijoa Christmas Wreath

Feijoa’s are the perfect flowers to make a wreath because they add a little red, green, and silver to the décor. Best of all feijoa wreaths add a little to joy to otherwise dreary weather. For more on Feijoa Christmas wreaths visit Rummage.

Orange Pine Cone Wreath

Add a little zest to your holiday décor while still creating an elegant element. Collect pine ones from your yard, dry some orange slices in the oven, add them to a garland wreath and voila! In less time than it takes to buy a wreath, you have made your own unique and natural holiday decor. For more information visit Delia Creates.

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Green Christmas Guide #5: Green Christmas Cards

Today I spent a good portion of my day partaking in one of my favorite holiday traditions: writing Christmas cards!!!

I have loved sending out Christmas cards ever since I was a little girl and my grandmother would make me write them for her. Unfortunately, printing new cards leads to the waste of paper and the demise of many tress, which can put a serious damper on the beloved Christmas tradition.

Thanks to a rise in eco-consciousness Christmas cards are greener than ever! Below you will find a list of online shops where you can find sustainable and ethical Christmas cards.

Deep Fried @ Etsy – Image to the left.

Pristine Planet

Earth Greetings – Every pack you buy plants a tree!

Botanical PaperWorks – Beautiful cards made of 100% recycled pulp and recycles into wildflowers!

Girly Whirly Greeting Cards

Global Exchange Handmade Holiday Cards – Handmade from recycled materials by people in Rwanda who have lost their parents. Your purchase helps these people provide food, shelter, and education for their younger brothers and sisters.

Season’s Greenings – Sustainable cards made from recycled paper and vegetable inks.

How Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, and the Self-Employed are Saving the Environment

Image via lastonein

According to The Money Book for Freelancers, Part-Times, and the Self-Employed, about 30% of Americans have joined the independent workforce; that means they are self-employed, freelancers, perma-lancers, entrepreneurs, and so on. Many choose to work like this because the thrill of being our own boss beats a cubicle any day. Others find themselves with no other choice because they have been hit by this frustrating economy. Regardless of the situation, the independent workforce has reason to rejoice: they have some of the most eco-friendly jobs around. Read More…


Green Christmas Guide #4: Green Christmas Crafts

Image via

Once the holiday season is over you are left with mountains upon mountains of leftover goodies. Ever wondered what to do with all that wrapping paper? What about Christmas cards? Worry not, eco-conscious crafters! Turns out that there a lot of things you can make with your holiday leftovers.

Don’t Throw Away That Wrapping Paper – Did you know you can make beautiful ornaments for next years festivities with leftover wrapping paper? Just find some scraps of your favorite wrapping paper and read this how-to guide from Handmade News.

Disney’s Family Fun: Have a Happy Green Christmas – Learn how to make anything from bubble wrap Christmas countdown calendars to greeting card gift tags with this great green guide from Disney’s Family Fun.

Good Housekeeping: Green Christmas Decorations – Spruce up your house and spread some holiday cheer with these simple green decoration ideas. From poinsettias to recycled candle holders, give Mother Earth a gift this year by showing that you care.

Green Christmas Guide #3: How to Make Sure Your Tree is Green

Image via peminumkopi

The Christmas tree is one of the most well -known icons of the season. For most homes, the centerpiece and main attraction for their celebrations is in fact the merrily  decorated pine tree. However, shopping and decorating for Christmas trees leaves socially conscious customers with some real questions. What kind of tree is greener? Do I buy a real tree or an artificial tree? Is there such a thing as an organic Christmas tree?
To answer the question of which tree is greener, it would seem that neither the real or artificial tree are very green. Real trees are now grown on farms, resolving the issue of deforestation, however there are still many environmental concerns surrounding everyone’s favorite pine tree. Real trees require fertilizer and fueled vehicles to maintain in addition to using up fuel when they are shipped to less wintery places like Florida. Artificial trees aren’t much better because they are mostly made in China out of a pollutant called polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and have been found to contain harmful chemicals like lead. Not to mention, when you dispose an artificial tree they will last for centuries in a landfill.

So what exactly are the greenest options for a Christmas tree? Read More…


Green Christmas Guide #2: Where to Find Green Toys for Kids and Babies

Image via tiffanywashko

Toys have long been a part of the holiday season tradition no matter what you celebrate, and there is nothing like seeing a child’s face light up when they get their presents. Unfortunately, many toys are made with hazardous materials like lead and BPA, which can have long term effects on a child’s health. Wouldn’t you feel better knowing that your child’s toys were safe? Wouldn’t you want them to have toys that are better for them and the environment? Fortunately, due to the increased awareness of socially conscious living, there is now a huge demand for green toys. By gifting your child green toys not only will they avoid any exposure to harmful chemicals, you can also teach them the importance of being green. Read More…


Green Christmas Guide #1: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank

Image via Vali…

My favorite time of year is finally here! Consequently, lately I find myself writing a lot of green Christmas related articles. I present to you all the first installment of Ecobellus Green Christmas Guides: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank. Keep checking back in the coming weeks for more Ecobellus Green Christmas Guides!

Ecobellus Green Christmas Guide #1: Green Gift Ideas that Won’t Break the Bank

The Holiday Season is upon us! That means cold weather, celebrations, great people, awesome food, and presents! One way to make this wonderful season even better is by spreading a little green living cheer with your gifts. Now, I know what you are thinking, “Those eco-friendly gifts are way too expensive and I’m already going to have to pay off a ton of debt when this is all over!” It’s true that some green gifts cost a pretty penny, but rest assured that you can find unique and earth friendly gifts for reasonable prices.

Gifts from
Viva Terra, which translates to “Living Earth”, is a company dedicated to living in harmony with nature. They are committed to providing unique designs with the eco conscious consumer in mind and many of their items come at a great price. For less than $30 dollars you can find beautifully crafted bowls, scarves, mugs, kitchen accessories, home décor, and even chocolate, all made with the earth in mind.

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Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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