Archive for the 'Health' Category

2 of the Best Health and Wellness Tips for Gen Y


As of late I have really been into yoga. So into it, in fact, that I have done some form of yoga for nearly 60 days. The patience and mindfulness I experience during yoga has also begun to translate into other aspects of my daily life – from what I eat to how I handle stress at my job. Below you’ll find some health and wellness tips for Gen Y.

Find a Form of Exercise You Actually Enjoy

I tried everything last year – from Zumba to hiring a personal trainer – and I hated just about all of it. In fact, the only thing I kept going back to was yoga. By the time 2012 came around I decided I would focus purely on yoga and reap the benefits.

The moral of the story? Find a form of exercise you actually enjoy. You’re not going to be motivated or committed if you absolutely hate it. The key is to find something that you find fun and enjoyable.

Use Public Transit

I’m a big proponent of this – and it’s also very green! Using public transit is a great way to stay fit, save money and help the environment. Think about it, instead of sitting in a car you are walking more. Instead of spending money on car payments, gas, and insurance you only have to worry about bus fare. It’s quite simple really.

Cultivating healthy habits doesn’t have to be so difficult for Gen Y – we have a natural inclination towards things like helping the earth, so why not help ourselves as well?

Need Instant Relief from a Cold? Try Some Ginger and Lemon

Image via Chiot’s Run

I have been a miserable creature the last few days thanks to a nasty cold.  Personally, I am not one for taking medication because the chemicals irk me and sometimes have an adverse affect on my stomach. I’m also not a modern medicine hater or a holistic enthusiast, but I do try and solve problems naturally when I can.

Anyway, I have been absolutely miserable for days with an awful soar throat (mind you not the best symptom to have when you are a language instructor). Over the counter medications like Advil and Tylenol were not working and I was starting to get concerned about the amount I would have to take just to get some relief.

My mother has a friend who is very much into holistic medicine so I asked her for some help. She suggested that I grate some ginger root and mix it with fresh squeezed lemon juice. I was then to drink a couple of spoon fulls of the liquid that forms several times throughout the day.

Apparently ginger contains about a dozen anti-viral compounds, relieves pain, is an antiseptic, and is an antioxidant. And since lemon is a citrus fruit it has a lot of Vitamin C which helps the body fight infections.

I am happy to announce that IT WORKED! Granted I am not fully cured, but I do feel much better than I have in days. I was even able to teach without adding any strain to my voice.

So the next time you feel under the weather, try some ginger!

2 Great Green Restaurants in Miami

Image via

As a native Miami-an (?) I always enjoy it when I find a decent green restaurant. Now, I have already mentioned La Vie en Raw (which I actually have not had the opportunity to try) but I did try out two other ones that I liked.

1. Green Gables Cafe

I had heard great things about the Green Gables Cafe and found myself in front if its signature green door a couple of weeks ago. I had their salmon sandwich with tomatoes, mozzarella, and capers and it was DELICIOUS! Everything at this cafe is organic, locally grown, and in season. Oh, and everything is also gluten free! To read my review for click here.


EVOS is like organic fast food (bear with me as I explain). Instead of deep frying their food they airbake it, which apparently means that there is 50-70% less fat than conventional fast food. Additionally, the only use natural raised meat and organic fruits. And the entire facility is sustainable! They offset 1/3 of their energy use to wind energy, use zero VOC paint, and natural flooring. This place really is a little treat if you need to satisfy your fast food craving. To read my review for click here.

How to Stick to an Exercise Routine: The One Where I Compile a Fitness Bible for the Fitness Challenged

Image via rosswebsdale

Today marks the beginning of Week 3 of my 8 Week Fitness Challenge. I greeted Week 3 with a blissful hips class from Yoga Today. I also took advantage of the BEAUTIFUL weather we have been having in South Florida and practiced outside.

While I would love to say that I have been this enthusiastic about exercising all along, I would be lying. I would also be lying if I said I always find time to do an hour long yoga class everyday, because let’s face it, sometimes life gets in the way. Ok, so I’m going to be completely honest here: sometimes I absolutely hate getting up early just to exercise, or sometimes I keep putting it off because I have work to do, or sometimes I just don’t feel like it. Raise your hand if you find as many excuses as I do in order avoid exercising. Pretty sure about 90% of you should have had your hand raised. As for the other 10%, I envy you.

I really don’t know why people make excuses when it comes to fitness. I mean, do we or do we not feel better after we exercise? I for one know that as soon as a cut the bullshit and get my ass on a yoga mat that I almost instantly feel better. Ok, there I go lying again. It’s definitely not instant self gratification, but I have noticed that beginning my day with yoga definitely makes me feel better, and dare I say it, makes me more productive. The bottom line is that I feel a tremendous difference after an hour long class of yoga than if I just don’t do any physical activity at all, and that is what I have to remember the next time I want to press snooze on the alarm.

For the 90% of you who should have raised your hand earlier, I have compiled a list of articles and resources so that maybe you can stop the excuses and stick to some sort of semblance of a fitness routine. For lack of a better term, let’s just call this compilation Amanda’s Fitness Bible.

Amanda’s Fitness Bible: Resources for the Fitness Challenged (Like Me)

Zen to Fitness – Getting Started With a Healthy Lifestyle: Zen to Fitness is like a little gem of healthy living. You could easily spend an entire day just looking through this awesome blog for pearls of fitness wisdom.

YogaToday:  I know, I know. I just don’t shut up about Yoga Today. What can I say? After spending months sifting through online yoga classes these were the most beautiful, down to earth, effective and calming videos I could find. Not only do they have a free class available every week, but a membership costs about as much as that Netflix account you have. So instead of spending 10 bucks a month sitting on your ass watching movies, spend it on your health (it’s a better investment in the long run anyway). If you don’t believe me then you can try a 2 week free trial and gain access to over 200 classes.

WebMD Health and Fitness – How to Start an Exercise Program: WebMD offers helpful tips on how to start your own exercise routine. Everyone has to start somewhere right?

Gaiam Blog – Five Ways to Stay Motivated and Exercise Regularly: This is much more than the usual “think about your body in a bathing suit” post. These tips are actually practical and not depressing.

6 Ways to Hold Yourself Accountable to a Fitness Routine: Accountability is key.

Fitness Spotlight -The Biggest Workout Mistakes People Make: Definitely worth a read before you end up swearing off exercise because of injury.

Is Your Workout Getting You Results or Just Making You Tired? Some tips for getting the most out your routine.


Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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