Posts Tagged 'yoga'

2 of the Best Health and Wellness Tips for Gen Y


As of late I have really been into yoga. So into it, in fact, that I have done some form of yoga for nearly 60 days. The patience and mindfulness I experience during yoga has also begun to translate into other aspects of my daily life – from what I eat to how I handle stress at my job. Below you’ll find some health and wellness tips for Gen Y.

Find a Form of Exercise You Actually Enjoy

I tried everything last year – from Zumba to hiring a personal trainer – and I hated just about all of it. In fact, the only thing I kept going back to was yoga. By the time 2012 came around I decided I would focus purely on yoga and reap the benefits.

The moral of the story? Find a form of exercise you actually enjoy. You’re not going to be motivated or committed if you absolutely hate it. The key is to find something that you find fun and enjoyable.

Use Public Transit

I’m a big proponent of this – and it’s also very green! Using public transit is a great way to stay fit, save money and help the environment. Think about it, instead of sitting in a car you are walking more. Instead of spending money on car payments, gas, and insurance you only have to worry about bus fare. It’s quite simple really.

Cultivating healthy habits doesn’t have to be so difficult for Gen Y – we have a natural inclination towards things like helping the earth, so why not help ourselves as well?

Anusara Yoga

Image via brad.coy

I’ve been a busy bee with writing gigs, learning how to drive at the age of 22 (a story for another time), and some part time job hunting on the side. Fortunately, I have been able to keep up with a completely unconventional (and at times maddening) work schedule and a daily yoga routine. On the not so fortunate side, this blog gets put on the back burner.

Anyway, I remember when I started doing yoga a couple of months ago that everyone seemed to have a favorite style. I,  of course, being completely clueless, just started doing whatever video I could find with no real direction, intention, or purpose.  Now, a couple of months and lots of yoga videos later I too have a favorite style: Anusara.

Personally, I just really love the aspect of opening up the heart through expansion poses. Not to mention my body feels great after I do an hour long class. It also seems a little bit more fun and jovial, which my never very serious personality appreciates.

So here is a little 411 on my newfound favorite yoga style. I’ve decided to let the Anusara Yoga website do most of the explaining since I would probably butcher Hindu philosophy if I tried to explain it. I have also provided links so that you can read more on John Friend’s website as well as helpful articles.


“John Friend, the founder of Anusara yoga, is widely recognized as one of the most charismatic and highly respected hatha yoga teachers in the world. Blending a life-affirming Tantric yoga philosophy with Universal Principles of Alignment and a delightful sense of humor, John’s teaching style guides each student to live every moment fully from the heart. Students often comment in amazement that they can perform their yoga poses under John’s guidance with a level of creative freedom and inner power that they have never experienced before. Above all, John respects and honors his students with a great deal of loving-kindness and inspires them to see their own unique beauty and divine goodness.” Read More…


Note: As a practicing Catholic I do not believe in Hindu philosophy. However, I still know some fascinating philosophy when I see it. Oh, and I love that this kind of yoga focuses on the intrinsic good. It’s a very refreshing view of the world 🙂

“The vision of Anusara yoga is grounded in a Tantric philosophy of intrinsic goodness. In this philosophy we take the premise that everything in this world is an embodiment of Supreme Consciousness, which at its essence pulsates with goodness and the highest bliss. All of creation is divinely danced into existence for the simple delight and the play of embodying the Supreme’s own blissful nature.

As of January 2010, the philosophical vision of Anusara yoga is specifically called Shiva-Shakti Tantra. Everything manifests as a result of the dance of Divine polarities, the mystical marriage between Shiva and Shakti that is auspicious consciousness vibrating with Freedom and is full of the highest Bliss. It is in the relation of both Shiva and Shakti that the matrix of time, space and the entire material world is created, out of pure Joy. One cannot occur without the other, and so our philosophy honors and glorifies both: consciousness and its power, male and female, sun and moon; it is Shiva-Shakti Tantra.” Read More…


“The Tantric philosophy of intrinsic goodness underlies the methodology of teaching Anusara yoga. Consequently, Anusara yoga teachers, first and foremost, look for the good in all things, especially within themselves and their students. Anusara yoga teachers help enhance and reveal the beauty and Divine qualities that are already present in the students’ poses. They do not try to “fix” or “correct” students’ alignment. Instead, they are dedicated to serving each student and helping them unveil their innate goodness, worthiness, and Supreme nature. Furthermore, Anusara yoga teachers are committed to helping build and empower each student’s self-esteem, while inspiring light-heartedness, playfulness, and joyful creativity within the yoga practice.” Read More…

More Anusara Yoga:

You can read a very interesting (and controversial) piece about John Friend and Anusara Yoga in The New York Times. And then you can read John Friend’s equally interesting response.

For full length hour long Anusara classes you can do at home check out Neesha Zollinger’s videos on Yoga Today.

Cindy Masty, a yoga teacher in Tampa, FL, put together some great videos to explain the basics of Anusara Yoga. You can find them here.

Yoga Log: Christianity and Yoga

Image via film_fatale

There was a very interesting article on Yahoo today about the seemingly never ending Christianity vs. Yoga debate.

The article is entitled Southern Baptist leader on Yoga: Not Christianity. This struck me because I am a yoga practicing Christian, I am a devout Catholic actually and have been for some time. Not once have I been told that the Hindu Gods or demons are going to possess my body because I stretch my leg out a certain way or try to relax my breathing. In fact, my very conservative Catholic college even offered yoga classes some mornings out of the week. I will refrain from further expressing my thoughts about Albert Mohler’s views as he is entitled to his own opinion. Instead, I will refer to an EXCELLENT article written by a devout Catholic entitled Is there such a thing as Christian yoga? A Catholic Perspective.

To put it simply, yes, I do feel like yoga has helped my spirituality to some degree. Not in the sense that I am worshiping Hindu Gods, but in the sense that it has taught me listen to my Christian God. My entire life all I have done is ask for things and question the way the world works, I never actually listened. I couldn’t even sit in a chapel without my mind going at a hundred miles an hour. Yoga, by helping me calm my mind and sit in silence, has helped me listen.   It’s also a hell of a work out and I will attest to the fact that those ancient Hindus knew the body and its relation to the nervous system well.

Am I going to start doing kriyas and awakening my chakras? Of course not, because that is Eastern philosophy and not my own faith.  However, that does not mean I am going to disrespect it and start yelling that demons will possess your body if you do.

I will also acknowledge the fact that yoga IS a spiritual experience and can understand the aggravation that many yogis must feel when yoga is turned into a business. If I saw people praying the Rosary because they were told it would give them a great ass I would be pissed too.

And there are my two (Catholic) cents.

Quick Run-Down of Green Articles

Image via gisleh

My apologies for not having updated in a few days. I’m afraid between Oktoberfest festivities, figuring out back to school financials, battling a cold, and work it has been a little difficult to stay on schedule. I didn’t even practice yoga until this morning! It felt great to get back on the mat seeing as how my body was actually feeling kind of wonky when I didn’t partake in my daily yoga.

However, I did manage to write several green living articles (one of the reasons I love being a freelance writer). Below you will find a quick rundown.

How to Green Your Halloween

Believe it or not, it is easy to partake in ecological and economical activities during Halloween. Learn anything from making your own costume to throwing a green Halloween party.

How to Green Your Brown Bag Routine

Brown bagging your lunch is already a pretty green thing to do. Find out how to kick it up a notch.

A Quick Guide to Compost Gardening

This is meant to follow up my beginner’s guide on urban gardening. Learn how using table scraps as fertilizer so that the earth receives all the nutrients possible and your food remains organic. I also talk about how to avoid getting that rotten smell.

Check out the side bar for a complete list of all the green living websites I write for.

5 Essential Resources to Achieve Personal Well-Being

Image via Ecobellus

Many people find themselves overwhelmed by the stress and pressure of everyday life. This can affect several aspects of your well being including your mood, physical health, and perspective. By achieving personal well being, it means you have taken the time to nurture several different aspects of our mind and body so that we become healthy and strong.

In this busy world it can be difficult to find the time and the energy to focus on our health and breaking out certain habits. From eating right to meditation, from building relationships to setting up personal finances, these resources can help guide you on your way to a healthier life.

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Yoga Log: perspective, Bali, and websites

Image via Vinni123


I have been doing yoga regularly for about a month now and I can already feel some differences. First of all, since I force myself to sit in silence and listen for answers instead of asking God for stuff I have actually managed to gain some new perspective on old issues. I have managed to find some sort of peace with things that have been bothering me for years. Even though it is on a tiny, minuscule level it has still made a difference.

Have I had some sort of mind altering earth shattering revelation? No. Am I expecting one? Not really. What I want is simple: learn to listen, accept life as it comes, and live with an open heart. Easier said than done but I do believe yoga may be helping, at least a little, which is much more than I can say for whatever methods I have tried in the past.

Eat, Pray, Love:

I still haven’t finished this book. I have just gotten to the part where the author lands in Bali and finds a medicine man. I know there have been mixed emotions about the book and I am going to say right now that I have no opinion on the representation of yoga and self discovery in this novel. First of all, I am not incredibly knowledgeable on the subject. Second of all, who am I to judge how a woman managed to find God?

But I will give my opinion from a literary stand point (way to put my degree into good use). This may not be the most earth shattering mind blowing novel on Earth, in fact its far from it. Sometimes you feel like this woman is just following a culture trend while other times you can actually relate to her. However, the author does do something very important: she manages to portray the human condition, even if it is just a small glimpse. I believe that getting deep into the condition of man is a lost art among many of today’s writers and artists and Gilbert deserves some major credit for her effort.


The following websites have really helped me practice yoga and meditate daily. I suggest that if you are a beginner like myself that you check them out.

Yoga Today

I have been reading lots of Yoga blogs around the web and Yoga Today always manages to gain praise from yogis across the nation. The phenomenal website has also been mentioned on the The Today Show, Consumer Reports, and The Los Angeles Times for being a great way to get fit on a budget.

So what is so great about it? Well for starters they offer over 200 hour long classes with professional instructors. They also film in some beautiful locations make me want to get on a plane and go to Wyoming of all places. Oh, and best of all Yoga Today is really affordable.

Free membership – Watch a free class every week.

Pay per class – You can download each class for about $3.99 each.

Recurring membership – This in my opinion is the best option. If you are a little beyond just starting out but don’t know if you can commit an entire year to Yoga, you can sign up for a recurring membership. For about $10 a month you can stream over 200 classes from your laptop. It really is an easy and affordable way to start practicing yoga daily.

Year Membership – If you are absolutely head over heals in love and committed to your yoga practice than you can sign up for a year long membership. You save about 25% than you would if you were paying per month.

This is a much cheaper option than paying for classes at a studio, especially when some places are charging 60 bucks for just five classes (I’m looking at you Miami!). So if you want to start a good and affordable practice today check out Yoga Today right now.

Meditation Oasis

Now, I have to admit that I was one of those people who thought meditation meant you had to be halfway toward enlightenment.  My Catholic upbringing also had me somewhat skeptical of trying it out for myself (until I realized we have our own mystics who did PLENTY of meditating i.e. St. Theresa of Avila, St. Augustine, Catherine of Siena, the list goes on).

I’m also one of those people who can’t get their brain to shut up and need some guidance just to sit in silence. Thankfully I found Meditation Oasis and their free podcasts. The website is also very helpful so that you can make the best out of the podcasts: whether it is to sleep, destress, let go, or just be present.

The Yoga Log that is not so Yoga but kind of is

Image via Ecobellus

I have not practiced yoga in a few days. Once again I fail at attempting some sort of consistency with yoga practice. However, if it even remotely counts (which is highly debatable), I have spent all day reading Eat Pray Love. Yes, that book that was turned into a movie with Julia Roberts that you either love or hate. I will refrain from expressing my opinion on the book until I am finished with it, however I will give Elizabeth Gilbert credit for taking personal experience and making a novel out of it. There are many of us out there who wish we could do that.

I will also admit that the book has made me want to write. Yes I know, I already write and I have been writing all my life. While this is true, I am afraid I have lost the raw emotion I used to pour onto paper. I have lost the ability to do the kind of writing that gets you through tough times and really helps you examine where you are as a person. Somehow within the last four years I lost whatever passion I had for the things I loved. I somehow turned into a paper pounding literature critiquing cynical about everything robot. You can imagine that I am really not okay with this.

For some people writing is a form of meditation. They can see their thoughts on paper and can then proceed to release them. I used to be one of those people. I used to be fearless with my words (and a lot of other things) and I miss it. So I have made the decision to pick it up again in an almost religious fashion. I also decided to go back to school in the Spring (despite the unknown amount of debt I may find myself in) and get what I wanted four years ago. Life may have had different plans for me but it is never to late to make something of your days.

Wellness Wednesday: Tips for Creating Your Quiet Place

Image via thelearnr

Everyone can benefit from a space in their house or apartment which promotes peace and quiet. Between work, school, kids, errands, and life in general it is nice to have a place to just sit in silence and breathe. The lovely people over at Mind Body Green have an excellent article on how to create your own special place within the home where you can regroup and get centered.

Click here to read “8 Tips for Creating a Sacred Space to Replenish Your Spirit” by Jayme Barrett.

Yoga Log and Green Living Log! 2 in one today!

Image via Amanda’s Daily Booth

Thanks to my uber awesome new yoga mat and water bottle I am able to combine my Yoga Log and Green Living Log today!

So I guess I should start off with the Green Living. As I have mentioned before, there are some really expensive yoga mats out there. I mean burn a hole in your wallet expensive. For this reason I decided to try my luck at yoga without a mat. The result was I would either slip when using a blanket or the hard wood floors were murder on my hands and knees. So I surrendered to the yoga gods and finally bought a mat. Much to my surprise I found a beautiful, inexpensive, and eco friendly yoga mat from Gaiam.

Isn’t it gorgeous? It’s called the Tree of Life yoga mat and I was practically salivating over it just because it was my favorite color. I couldn’t wait to test it out! The mat proved to be durable, stable (thank God because I have a tendency of slipping), and chic. But wait it gets better this mat was manufactured free of the top six most harmful Phthalates (DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP, and DNOP). Now I know what you are thinking, “Wow pretty and eco friendly. That must have cost you an arm and a leg.” Nope! The mat was only about $20 and it qualified for free shipping from Amazon. So what did I do with a little extra cash?

I bought the matching eco friendly water bottle (which by the way also qualified for free shipping)! I have previously written on the environmental and monetary hazards of bottled water (read my article on Associated Content) so I had been looking for an affordable and beautiful eco friendly bottle. For some reason the designs were either hideous, there was too much going on, or the bottles were upwards of $20. When I was purchasing the yoga mat Amazon suggested that I check out the matching bottle. Well, it was green (both color and and environmental), simple, beautiful, only $10, and also came with free shipping. I was sold! Now I enjoy water at all times as I made a resolution to give up coffee and soda and can’t drink milk anyway.

You can find yoga mats, bottles, and accessories like these at my Amazon store.

Now for some actual yoga…

Physically I am on Day 3 of Dashama’s 30 Day Challenge. I must say that I really need to learn how to clear my mind or else I am never going to get some of those balancing poses. Other than that the program is excellent as it is diverse for intermediate and advanced students but not impossible so beginners can also participate.

I’ve also been practicing daily for over a week now. It takes 21 days to make a habit and I am a third of the way there. In such little time I can already feel my stretches deepening and my upper body getting stronger.

Mentally I think I made some sort of emotional/psychological breakthrough. Although I don’t know if that has to do with yoga or the fact that I have been reading Tiny Buddha on a daily basis. Whatever it is, I know that learning to clear my mind and relax is helping me with many things, which is why I have encouraged people in one my articles to at least try a savasana pose. It is officially my favorite thing to do, besides write of course.

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Calling all Phoenix Yogis!

If you live in the Phoenix area you should definitely check out Urban Yoga.

I watched the video tour of the studio and pretty much fell in love with it. It’s like industrial meets outdoors meets zen. Even if you don’t live in Phoenix you should watch the video just see what an awesome place these guys have set up.

Right now they have a beginners special: 2 weeks of unlimited Yoga for $25. I can’t even 5 classes for less than that down here!

Kudos to these guys from brining yoga to the city!

Check out Urban Yoga now!

Ecobellus by Amanda Abella

Living green doesn't have to be complicated. Find resources, tips, and tricks that will help you live green without breaking the bank.


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